
        Tom and Marie is a loving couple, they’ve been together for a longtime. Valentine’s 

Day was approaching; Tom was very thoughtful so he wanted to give his lively girl Marie

a surprise, he made a plan to go to a sunny beach In there they could do lots of things like 

playing volleyball, running in the sand and chasing each other in the sea, and if they were 

tired, they could just lie on the beach and watch the sunset together. But a acute accident 

happened, just before the big day Tom was too joyful to sleep so he didn’t fall asleep till 

the morning, and he couldn’t wake up at the time of their date. When Marie arrived at the 

beach she couldn’t find Tom. She didn’t care at the beginning, she thought
Maybe Tom 

wants to get me some surprise, he just go to prepare for something.
Time passed and 

passed, and Tom still didn’t show up, Marie became irritated and called Tom at once, 

when Tom got the call, he listened half consciously and then when he eventually got the 

message, he realized right away that he was over. Of course Marie was desperately 

broken-hearted, she couldn’t believe that Tom would stand her up, she went to cry and 

told her friends the deal, her friends could do nothing but comfort her, Tom really felt 

sorry toward Marie he wanted to get Marie’s trust again, because he was really in love 

with her. He went to ask lots of his friends how to solve the situation. At the last he 

figured out a method. Two days after the disastrous day, Tom invited Marie out to a 

luxurious restaurant; at there he knelt down, kissed Marie’s hand and took out a shining 

sparkling ring, and asked Marie
My darling, please forgive for my negligence, you know 

that I didn’t mean to do it, I can’t live without you.
At that moment, Marie couldn’t 

help crying and blurted
Tom I love you so much too, actually I already forgive you.

                                    written on February 6th, at English cram school 


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